Queen Esther Jewelry & Designs
is a mission-minded business that exists to serve
a social purpose.
Queen Esther believes
in the intangible profit
of enriching the lives of
young girls by
empowering them to lead lives of purpose, worth, and confidence
for such a time as this!
A Young Start
​Queen Esther CEO, Miriam Williams, had a young start to entrepreneurship
starting at age 12.
Six years later, inspired by volunteer work in the youth ministry at her church,
Williams founded Young Esther Ministries in collaboration with
Queen Esther Jewelry & Designs to form its social purpose and responsibility.
Williams knew the decision to merge these two organizations under the same roof was unmistakable, especially given the names. The business was still in its early stages as a home-based operation and the nonprofit reached community-wide.
Now, after college education in business and organizational leadership,
Williams believes it is time for Queen Esther’s capacity to grow!
Williams believes in empowering young girls just as she was
through Christ-centered mentorship, worth, and the bravery it takes to step out
and be different for God’s kingdom,
for such a time as this!